Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Life's Little Dramas Part 8

To start, may I wish any who read these ramblings, wherever you may be in the World, a Happy New Year. I hope 2012 will bring you all that you wish for.

Now, down to the nitty-gritty - how was the Christmas break in our household? Not great if I'm honest. Unfortunately, our plan to ignore the whole 'melony' business didn't work as planned. To be expected I suppose, but I didn't expect it to falter quite as early as it did. I managed to be the cook for the holiday season and surprised myself with my abilities when working on my own - lobster thermidor on Christmas Eve, turkey with all the trimmings on Christmas day and honey glazed ham later in the week - but, by mid-way through Christmas day, the blues had definitely set-in for my wife and that just about spelt the end for the festivities.

I have to admit that my temper did wear a little thin on occasion and I said some things that I regret - though I don't think they even registered. I even resorted to the childish reaction that I would go and spend some money on myself. I ended up with a games console! As I said - childish, but ultimately the light relief that I needed.

For now, we have to concentrate on the busy schedule starting next week. Three appointments on three different days followed by the exorcism starting the following Monday. Lots to think about, lots to arrange and lots to worry about so, for now, the situation will not improve for a while. There is also the dog to kennel for the week or so that she will be in, trying to organise her sister's travel from Wales to coincide with her release, taking the decorations down and generally getting the house back to 'normal'. Oh, and I almost forgot that I have to go to work too :) I guess that seems to be the least of my worries at the moment.

So, do as I say, don't do as I say - Keep loving.

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