Well, as of 12.30 yesterday afternoon, my wife is home. She did not enjoy the journey by hospital transport due to the nature of the suspension and had bled slightly by the time she was home but, most importantly, she is now in her own environment.
She is sore and in quite a deal of pain but that is to be expected. The unexpected result of the procedure is 'wind'. It seems that as a tool for the surgeons, they pump the area full of air. I presume to give more area to work in whilst not opening up more than is necessary. This meant that, whilst watching Marple last night, I was treated to a series of belches and 'other' wind that sadly and childishly made me giggle. Trying to explain to someone who is laced with pain killers and is trying to release the pressure on her abdomen that burps and farts are funny just elicited frowns - but I couldn't help it!
On Monday, we expect a nurse to arrive and remove the staples they now use to hold bits of flesh together. This will, no doubt, increase her pain levels again but it is another step on the recovery road so should be embraced. Last night, she even slept for quite a number of hours and even went back to sleep after a call of nature in the middle of the night - something that would not have happened before.
So, for now, we take things very slowly and she will have to put up with my cooking attempts and my housework. As time goes on, we may have more hurdles to jump but we can at least look forward more than a couple of weeks at a time again.
For readers of this blog who have started reading during these last, fraught, couple of months, I will continue to update during the recovery though, once that is out of the way, I can hope that these may become fewer and further between but I hope you will look in on some of my other musings as I write them. All those that have read any of Life's Little Dramas, you have made the process bearable without ever commenting (apart from my two very good friends - you know who you are and you have both been rocks), you may think you did nothing but, just knowing that someone was looking made it feel worthwhile. It started out as a simple outlet for my concerns and worries but became much more than that. I love you all for that.
Anyway, to steal from Spinal Tap, 'But hey! Enough of my yacking'
Keep loving
Always, always here for you baby. Remember being the one doing the caring can be hard. You will need a break to keep your energy levels and sanity. Remember I am here for you to rant at anytime day or night! xxxx