Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Life's Little Dramas Part 17

Well, if the NHS and the Post Office are to be trusted, the fact that we have had no letter regarding the biopsy means that it was benign - hurrah!! I still think that it is a shitty way to treat patients and their families. To say that you will hear from them within two weeks if it is malignant and their is need for further treatment but, if it is benign, they will only write to your GP seems to me to be completely wrong. What if there is a mistake in the address, a problem at the post office or any number of human errors that might stop the letter going out? There would be people such as ourselves, celebrating the fact that, barring the healing process, the whole problem is sorted and we can get on with life who, a few days later, when the letter finally drops onto the mat, have to face the whole thing again. Is it me or is that wrong?

Well, assuming that this doesn't happen and the healing proceeds as planned, this should be one of the last blogs on 'Melony' and her removal. However, as this blog seems to have attracted quite a number of readers - far more than I expected anyway - I shall continue to use the Life's Little Dramas posts to update on the more personal matters that I encounter. For my other, more random musings, I shall post under other titles (still on this blog though). So, to those that have read and commented - thank you for all your support, to those that have read and found it interesting or useful - please carry on reading and always feel free to comment (I am quite thick skinned but all out abuse is not my forte), to those of you that think this is just a load of self-indulgent tripe - why on earth are you still reading it?

But, to all of you, please remember....

....Keep loving :)

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