Monday, 23 January 2012

Life's Little Dramas Part 15

A brief update - Today we are due to be visited by Nerys Hughes. That will probably pass anyone under 35 by so I will illuminate those of you with youth on your side! There was once a very popular series starring that particular lady called The District Nurse and we are expecting the district nurse to visit my wife today. OK, so that wasn't very interesting but it amused me! What is quite interesting is that her visit is to assess whether or not the staples can be removed and do it if the answer is yes. This seems almost indecently hasty as the operation was only 1 week ago but, if it is to be the case, then it is very impressive! Personally, I am relieved to be at work as I have seen the instrument with which said staples will be removed - it looks like an industrial staple remover you would use on packaging! I would faint before the tool got withing 6 inches of the wound and would, therefore, be completely useless.

I also thought you might be amused by a tale of failed bathing. My good lady hates being 'dirty' and wanted to have a bath prior to a threatened visit by her brother, sister-in-law and assorted brood. She is under strict instructions not to get her wound wet so, with electric raising and lowering chair thing fitted in the bath, I suggested that we could lower her part way thus avoiding immersion of the offending area. Next she decided that she would like me to wash her hair. This would make keeping that area dry nigh on impossible so we struck upon the idea of wrapping her scar in cling film. This would not keep water out if submerged but would keep her dry from splashing caused by the hair washing. Suitably wrapped, we got her seated and ready to be lowered so I pressed the button and....nothing! The bloody seat would not go down. In the end, her feet were in the water and I washer her hair at a very comfortable level for me but not the ideal set up for her. Still, at least she was able to clean herself ready for the visitation which, after putting on the posh coffee machine and laying out shortbread biscuits for the horde, turned out to be just her brother. Ho, hum.

Anyway. Time to work and await the news of Nerys :)

Keep loving

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