Two weeks ago, my wife went to the hospital where she was treated for her broken back to have an assessment on how things were going. The Doctor said he was pleased with how the break was healing and that all was progressing well. Reasonably enough (in my opinion), she asked how long she would have to put up with the pain and how long it would be before she could walk more than the length of our road so she could, once again, take the dog for a walk. The Doctor calmly informed her that this was as good as it was going to get! To say that knocked her for six is an understatement. Basically, she withdrew again and the depression set in - understandable I think.
Two weeks on and she is gathering herself again and taking an interest in the possibility of alternative treatments - acupuncture, reflexology etc. - that might help alleviate the problems. Then, the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) intervened. At this point it is worth pointing out that the Government has already withdrawn her Employment Support Allowance (formally Disability Living Allowance) as she had been claiming for 365 days. This letter requested that she attended a medical to assess her ability to work. Not the worst thing I know but, and it is a big but, the assessment is in a town some 17 miles from our home. As some of you who have read this blog before will know, she does not currently have her driving licence so driving (were she able to get into the car)is out of the question. The letter helpfully describes the public transport route for her. This consists of:
- Walk to the bus stop (already beyond her current range)
- Take bus to station
- Take train to station A
- Change at station A for 2nd train to station B
- Take bus from station B to nearest bus stop to medical centre
- walk from bus stop to medical centre
I am very angry!
My wife is very angry.
She is going to contact them today to have it out with them. I just hope that she gets a reasonable response as anything else may just push her backwards again.
For now, as ever, keep loving!
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