I consider myself to be a reasonably rational person. I didn't believe I had any irrational fears (well, only one but that is for another post) and was able to rationalise most situations. Something occurred last night though that has made me re-evaluate that opinion and, having thought back over the years, I seem to have a fear of the dark!
Now, this fear is not the kind where I cannot sleep with the light off. This holds no fear for me and nor does the occasional trip down the stairs in the middle of the night for a call of nature. It has manifested itself in two distinct areas.
1. When I am out alone at night - even walking along streets that I know.
2. In the house when I hear noises or (as in last night) when I see something.
Let me say, whilst I have watched horror movies, I am no great fan and don't watch everything in that genre. Also, I don't think, even as a child, I had a problem sleeping at night. So why this has arisen is beyond me.
The cause to reassess last night was quite simple but certainly put me on edge. My wife was in bed and I had come down to deposit the dog back in the lounge rather than on our bed and to fill a glass of water. I had turned on the kitchen light and turned to enter the lounge and make sure the dog was bedded down. As I stepped out of the kitchen, the lights flickered. I know that this is not a strange occurrence but it was the first time these new low energy lights had ever done it. This unsettled me slightly but, what happened next was what really freaked me out. I started to hear music! There was nothing outside, nothing on in the house and no lights on in the neighbours houses. I know that it was probably just ringing in the ears but it certainly put the willies up me I can tell you!
So, I now fess up and say, it seems that I am well and truly scared of the dark at 45, 6ft 2in and rather overweight. I feel a bit stupid really...
Keep loving.
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