Thursday, 27 October 2011

Football - Yes! Football

Now, to those of you who know me (my 2 followers both know me probably too well!!), will be aware of my loathing (is that too strong a word?) for football. Maybe it was my inability to play at school or just the prima donnas of the uk game. I don't fully understand why but, there is no other word for it - hate. I hate the game.
However, there may be some redemption in the game. Now, forgive me if I am coming late to this party but I see the potential for a new sport: Team Mangers' with the most appropriate names?

This started as an idea when Arsene took over at Arsenal. Now there is Mancini at Man City. Perhaps Villas Boas should take over Aston Villa? Now the fun starts. Who could be the manager at QPR? Wolves? Accrington Stanley?? Well, obviously it would be tremendous sport if, for the last one, a chap were to step forward by the name of Stanley Accrington! Unlikely, but great fun. Are there other managers in the many leagues that already sport a relevant name for their team? Are there some that should be in charge of a different team? Are there well known personalities with names that would suit any teams? Can I/we come up with suitable managers for at least all the teams in the premiership?

That is the challenge. I give myself and anyone who has the inclination to help, until the end of Movember (yes, I have signed up to humiliate myself with my pathetic attept to grow a moustache next month) to complete the task. If successful, I shall move on to the championship.

All are welcome :)

Keep safe, keep loving.


1 comment:

  1. Arsenal also have a player called Andrey Arshavin! It's all about the ass at that
