Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Memories - Real, Imagined and Forgotten

Strange thing this morning - heard a record on the radio that stirred memories. Trouble is, I can't figure out what those memories are. There is something in the back of my mind that is sticking up a hand and waving but, as soon as I turn towards it, the hand disappears.

I have had records trigger memories before - Michael Jackson's Beat It brings back an old school friend pretending to beat aggs in a bowl(!?), Soft Cell's Tainted Love is Parties at the Royal (a local pub to my childhood home), Peter Gabriel's Games Without Frontiers is a former girlfriend (long story). But this time I am stumped. The track in question was The Rolling Stones' Under Cover. It is still going round in my head and an image, as if seen out of the corner of my eye, keeps trying to come through but my mind is having a Douglas Adams moment and, every time I get close to seeing it, my mind sticks up a diversion notice and I end up in some dead end, dark recess of my memories where I really don't want to be! Who knows what lurks there? That way (as they used to put on maps) There be dragons!

How do I get by this trickery and catch up with the lurking memory? Should I try? Does it want to be found? If it doesn't want to be found, why is it teasing me?


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