Thursday, 17 June 2010

New Branch of Mathematics - Theory 1

This is the first of my theories. Each numbered section was an individual tweat on Twitter...

I think there should be a new branch of mathematics- Twitter Maths. It deals with the proportionality of followers relative to other factors.

2. I will work on the theory over the next week or so until I figure it out. Could this be the 1st Twitter thesis- a nobel prize perhaps?

#TwitterMaths Theory no.1 The first followers any male will get are women who seem to have other accounts on 'pay sites'

#TwitterMaths These followers will last about 2 weeks until they realise you aren't going to pay 'to get laid - guaranteed'.

#TwitterMaths The other constant in theory 1 is that these temporary followers will invariably have pictures that look stunning

#TwitterMaths This part of Theory 1 leads to the first conclusion. In cyberspace, if a picture looks to good to be true then it probably is

#TwitterMaths I think that sorts theory no.1. Other conclusions maybe drawn from later theories that may require amendments to this. :)


  1. Hate to say this Dave...Hurrr Hurr Humm I mean Dr Twit!! But being your first follower....I think I have just blown theory #1 out of the water!! LOL Sorry!

  2. Aha! That is where you are wrong! You see, this is a retelling of my inumerable tweats on Twitter and, at this point in time, the whole hypothesis is based upon that service. This was an attempt to open up the theory to a wider audience (currently 2!) in a more readable format. Quid Erat Demonstratum (as they say in professorial circles). :)
